President William Ruto, speaking at the Centers for Disease Control Headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, on May 20, 2024, announced that more Kenyans are set to be employed by American companies operating through the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) framework.

During a meeting with Kenyans living in the US at the Cobb Galleria Centre in Atlanta on May 20, 2024 (with Kenya being 7 hours ahead of Atlanta), President William Ruto noted that approximately 5,000 Kenyans have already been employed through the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) framework.

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is a form of outsourcing where the operations and responsibilities of a specific business process are contracted out to a third-party service provider.

"That space of digital jobs is the real space that can give us opportunities for Kenyans to work. Last week, I am not talking about last year, I am not talking about last month, I am talking about last week. I was in Ruiru where we were commissioning a BPO that is going to hire 5,000 Kenyans, one BPO," Ruto said.

Adding that; "They are going to be doing online jobs. That particular BPO by CCI has JetBlue, AT&T, all American companies."

Ruto further disclosed that the same facility in Ruiru, Kiambu County will be hiring 20,000 Kenyans in the next two years.

"Kenyans will be working from Ruiru for American companies here. That same company in the next two years will be hiring 20,000 Kenyans. That one company called CCI. And we have many of them who we are working with so that we can create those spaces not just in Ruiru but all the other towns in Kenya," Ruto said.

Ruto's itinerary

State House spokesperson Hussein Mohamed released President Ruto's schedule ahead of his visit to the US.

On Monday, Ruto visited the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum, underscoring Kenya's commitment to governance and anti-corruption efforts. He then paid tribute to the civil rights struggle at the Ebenezer Baptist Church and discussed the US-Kenya health partnership at the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) headquarters. The day concluded with Ruto and First Lady Rachel Ruto being hosted by the Kenyan diaspora in Atlanta.

On Tuesday, President Ruto will stress the significance of higher education in science and technology at Spelman College. He will then explore opportunities in the creative economy at Tyler Perry Studios and discuss new investments at the Coca-Cola company, inaugurating Vivo's first store. In the evening, he will attend a dinner hosted by Atlanta's mayor, Andre Dickens.

On Wednesday, President Ruto will travel to Washington, D.C., where he will receive full ceremonial state honors and meet with a congressional delegation. Discussions will also take place at Capital Hill.

On Thursday, President Ruto and First Lady Rachel Ruto will lay a wreath at Arlington Cemetery in honor of deceased American soldiers and other historic figures. They will also hold a bilateral meeting with President Joe Biden to highlight development opportunities.