The National Police Service (NPS) has apprehended three suspects for illegally slaughtering donkeys in Runyenjes, Embu County.

On Friday, detectives from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) raided a homestead in Kajekeru village based on a tip, resulting in the arrests of Stanley Thuranira, George Maringa, and Anastasia Wanyaga.

The three were apprehended after confronting officers armed with weapons.

"Upon encounter, the men armed with crude weapons attempted an attack on the Officers prompting them to fire warning shots in the air," the National Park Service (NPS) stated.

Furthermore, 20 freshly slaughtered donkey carcasses were discovered at the homestead, as well as a motor vehicle, which was seized by authorities.

"At the scene, 20 freshly-slaughtered donkey carcasses and one motor vehicle, Noah Registration No. KDD 782T," the National Park Service (NPS) said.

Other items recovered include three pangas, twelve knives, a bow, and six arrows.