Donkey owners in Kirinyaga County are increasingly alarmed by the rising number of donkey theft and slaughter cases in the region.

According to James Kibwana, the secretary of the Donkey Owners Association in the Mt. Kenya region, the Mwea constituency has been severely impacted by thefts, which occur primarily at night.

Kibwana reported that over 30 donkeys have been stolen in the past month alone. "The animals are often skinned, with carcasses sometimes left in the bush. We've seen up to six donkeys stolen in a week. At this rate, if no action is taken, we could see up to 800 donkeys stolen," Kibwana warned.


Stephen Muriuki, a resident, found his three donkeys slaughtered along the Mwea-Embu road, with their carcasses left behind. "Thieves are now targeting the skin rather than the meat," Muriuki noted.

Hillary Murimi highlighted these thefts' economic and social impact on local communities, especially those who rely on donkeys for their livelihoods in the Mwea rice irrigation scheme. "Donkeys support our families economically and socially, easing our burdens physically and financially," Murimi said.

This escalating issue calls for immediate action to protect the donkeys and the livelihoods of those who depend on them.