On November 22, National Police Service teams recovered the two police rifles that were stolen by callous assailants two days ago in Siaya County, after the latter waylaid and shot at police officers on a security assignment to deliver KCSE exam papers.

In the Monday morning incident, two armed police officers and the examination centre manager had just alighted from a transport vehicle metres away from Mahero Secondary School, where they were to deliver the exam papers.

Unbeknownst to them, unknown armed assailants lay in wait at nearby thickets, who immediately opened fire frenziedly killing one of the officers and leaving the other for the dead. Luckily, the centre manager escaped unhurt.

Having subdued the officers, the hoodlums disappeared with loaded AK47 and HK MP5 rifles.

Police believe that the attackers took advantage of the rainy season that made the path to the school gate impassable for vehicles, which was forcing the examination coordinating team to be dropped a distance away.

Not taking the battle lying down, security teams were deployed to hunt down the armed and dangerous ruffians, recover the police firearms and bring them to book.

Led by Operations and Crime Research and Intelligence Bureau detectives, the deployment that acted on a forensic trail pursued the criminals in Busia and Siaya counties, catching up with them at a two-roomed house in Awinga area of Siaya.

A knock at the wooden door by police was answered by the rattling of sporadic gunshots that ripped through the mud house, forcing the officers into covers and a like retaliation.

When the guns went silent, two youthful suspects lay soaked in blood, and beside each, a rifle and several spent cartridges.

A search conducted in the house saw the recovery of the two rifles, 44 live rounds, 16 spent cartridges, assorted mobile phones, crude weapons, daggers, machetes, military fatigues and several Islamic literature books.

Police believe that one armed suspect escaped, while another person of interest has been placed in custody to assist in the ongoing investigations.

We thank the members of the public for the continued sharing of credible information that goes a long way in tracking down dangerous criminals and thwarting terror incidences in our country.

Equally, the NPS issues stern warning to armed criminal gangs that it is just a matter of time before ultimate justice catches up with them, as the all-out war to rid the streets of illegal firearms heightens.