The search of a gang that attacked a lorry driver and robbed him of 28 bags of dry maize in the Molo area, Nakuru.

The event occurred on Monday, April 10, at around midday. According to the driver, he was transporting 260 bags of 90 kilos of maize from Nairobi to Uganda on a trailer at the time.

He said that a traffic delay brought on by accident prompted him to slow down when he arrived at the Nyanja neighbourhood.

The 28 sacks of dry corn were suddenly stolen from his caravan by roughly 10 individuals who also broke into it.

They disappeared into the villages without assistance from other drivers who saw them.

After the police arrived, neither an arrest nor a recovery was made.

Despite the use of teams to police the roadway, this is the most recent event of this kind.

On 15 March, a group looted a vehicle of 350 bags of cement valued at more than Kes300,000 after assaulting the driver in the Kamara neighbourhood along the Nakuru-Eldoret route.

Police believe a group is currently at large and is preying on lorries carrying commodities in route.

The same group had previously robbed the driver of a cement-laden lorry containing 350 bags of cement, two car batteries, a jack, a wheel spanner, and various spare parts.

Ironically, the gang brought two cars to transport the stolen cement bags.

According to police, a squad is acting in the region to apprehend the group and they are looking into whether there was any coordination in the occurrence.

On March 8, a mob ambushed a truck driver transporting tonnes of fertiliser to Kampala, Uganda, and took 29 bags of the substance from him in the Molo neighbourhood.

When his truck developed a flat tyre en route to Kampala, the driver claimed police he had reached the Nyanja neighbourhood of Mau Summit.

A group of biker thugs then arrived and began to stone him after he stopped to fix the damaged tyre.

The truck's locking was broken, and 29 bags of fertiliser were taken.

Police on patrol were notified when the motorist raised the alarm, and they went to the scene and recovered three bags out of the 50 kilogrammes of fertiliser.

Such incidents are common on the international highway amid efforts to contain them.

Police say they have mounted patrols on the highway to contain fluctuating robberies.