Mungai Eve recently graced her social media platform with a snapshot of herself enjoying a relaxed moment alongside content creator Kelvin Kinuthia.

During an interview conducted by Mungai Eve, digital content creator Kelvin Kinuthia candidly tackled the derision he has encountered following his display of a freshly acquired Nissan Note.

Kelvin Kinuthia stands out as a widely recognized, albeit polarizing, figure in the Kenyan TikTok sphere. This audacious and witty media persona fearlessly dons the appearance of a woman, complete with chic wigs, stiletto heels, and elegantly extended manicured nails. Notably, Kinuthia is among the rare male individuals in Kenya who boldly embrace cross-dressing and intermittently adopt feminine mannerisms, all with the intention of creating captivating content.

He disclosed encountering ludicrous narratives circulating online, ranging from speculations about the cost of the vehicle to the duration he had diligently saved to attain the car.

Kelvin Kinuthia, renowned for his cross-dressing endeavors, expressed that his mother wholeheartedly backs his efforts.

In a conversation with Eve Mungai, the 20-year-old was queried about his mother's response upon witnessing his adorned acrylic nails and plaited hair where he said the mum was okay with it.