The Director of Public Prosecution (DPP), Renson Ingonga, has defended his office’s move to withdraw high-profile cases just before acquittal, saying it aims to save taxpayers money.

The newly appointed DPP spoke during the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists on Thursday.

When some cases are withdrawn before the acquittal process, they are withdrawn to save taxpayers money,” he said.

He criticized the misreporting of court case stories by the media, urging journalists to always disseminate factual information to help citizens to understand.

Investigations are a continuous process even when those charged are taken to court. There are serious reasons as to why my office drops cases. We don’t just withdraw a case! As the media explain to the common ‘mwananchi’ why a certain case has been withdrawn,” he added.

Additionally, he said that crimes against journalists continue to be committed despite several measures undertaken to protect the lives of journalists during their duties, stating that his office will ensure such crimes are investigated expeditiously and those found culpable prosecuted according to the law.

The ODPP is committed to upholding the fundamental freedoms and rights of journalists in the course of their duties. I undertake to ensure that crimes against journalists are not only expeditiously prosecuted but I will also endeavor to hold those found culpable to account no matter their status in society.”

Ingonga noted that his office will pursue strategies that foster close collaboration with Media Stakeholders in the country to end impunity for crimes against journalists and ensure a transparent and accountable system.

He added that the ODPP Public Affairs and Corporate Communication Division will be revamped to provide a platform for disseminating information regarding the investigation and prosecution of crimes against Journalists.

Ingonga also directed the Media Council Of Kenya to deal with journalists involved in instances of dissemination, misinformation, and disinformation.