Angry parents, joined by Kakamega East MP Peter Salasya, evicted the principal of St Gabriel Isongo Secondary School, accusing him of failing to uphold the school's academic standards.

They proceeded to the principal's office and frogmarched him from the school premises.


Children and their parents joined the frenzy, cheering as the man they blamed for their poor scores was humiliated and tossed out. Fearing for his life, the beleaguered principal summoned a body to transport him to safety.

“Huyu mwalimu akikuja hapa mean score ilikua 5 saa hii amerudisha chini mpaka imefika 2. Hii shule ni kubwa sana anaangusha shule. Kubadilisha walimu wa board kila mwezi,” said Joy Ingutia, a parent.

Peter Salasya, the area MP, said, “We want commitment from the principals. That's why we have called for that meeting; no, you have to go home. No, acha niweke some sympathy, you have to transfer.”

PHOTO | COURTESY Angry parents

Salasya, who was present, blamed the principal, accusing him of failing the students and the community.

Salasya, who appeared to support the principal's dismissal, warned that he would not tolerate school heads who failed to perform in his district.

“Sasa kama wewe ni principal, watoto wanakuja kwa shule, wazazi have done their part, bursary nimelipa then. You have not delivered, then it means you cannot whip your teachers to deliver,” the MP said.

The Ministry of Education has condemned parents' invasions of schools over accusations of poor performance in national exams.

“The Ministry is disturbed by this unfortunate trend, which appears to create the impression that the burden of poor performance in examinations must be exclusively borne by teachers, especially the Head of Institution,” the statement sent to newsrooms reads in part.