Using his waggish persona, President William Ruto suggested some of the top places for delegates attending the ongoing 6th session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6) to visit on Thursday. 

President Ruto complimented the leaders above for their hard work promoting sustainable development during his speech at Gigiri, Nairobi. 

Ruto further suggested a wide range of options for visiting sites during their excursions, noting that the people deserve a vacation after the summit.

Moving toward the capital, Ruto highlighted the expansive Nairobi National Park, stating that it would be an ideal choice for observing wildlife.

" I, however want to warn you that we have a fence there, but sometimes the lions break out," he joked.

He added that a democratic troop of baboons in Naivasha meets regularly to discuss legislative issues.

"...You will find a phenomenal called the baboon parliament where baboons meet at a particular place, time and they discuss their legislative issues," he said as the crowd guffawed.

Additionally, President Ruto suggested visiting the Maasai Mara, home of the spectacular wildebeest migration, as well as Lamu, the site of "swimming lions" and "the whales migration in a place called Tana River." 

Putting the pun aside, Ruto emphasized the need for improved policy coordination in the execution of multilateral environmental agreements and the successful resolution of the world's ecological problems. 

He also urged the UN General Assembly to find new, significant, and stable funding from its regular budget to consistently and long-term support the vital work of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

"I appeal to donors to increase their voluntary contributions, recognizing the urgent and vast scope of current environmental challenges," said Ruto.

Although praising UNEP for participating in the global plastic treaty intergovernmental negotiations, Ruto said that UNEP, Nairobi, should serve as the treaty's secretariat's home base.