The nationwide medical practitioners have sustained their work boycott as the industrial action that began on March 14 entered its sixth day Tuesday.

The health workers are accusing the government of failing to address their grievances, including a demand to post 4,000 interns to medical facilities.

Kenya Medical Practitioners Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU) Secretary-General Davji Atellah said the union would not call off the strike until its issues were addressed.

On her part, Health Ministry Cabinet Secretary (CS) Susan Nakhumicha said on Tuesday that the government is working to address the doctors’ demands.

“I applaud our doctors and all health care workers who have continued to deliver services to the people as the Ministry of Health and the relevant stakeholders work together to address the issues raised by their union,” Nakhumicha said.

Speaking after visiting key public health facilities in Nairobi, she said citizens could continue to seek treatment in public facilities, assuring them that healthcare workers would be available and ready to serve them.

A meeting scheduled Tuesday between Nakhumicha and the doctors’ union officials did not occur, dashing hopes of resolving the crisis that has left thousands of patients stranded across the East African nation.