Two people have died, while eight others are nursing serious injuries after a road accident in the Sobea area, Salgaa, along the Nakuru-Eldoret highway.

The accident involved a 14-seater matatu from Nanaki Sacco heading to Nakuru, a trailer, and a probox.

According to eyewitnesses, the head-on collision was between the matatu and a trailer that avoided hitting a probox that was overtaking using the wrong lane.

The injured persons were rushed to Nakuru Level Five Hospital for treatment.

This comes a few days after a bodaboda rider and his passenger died in an accident in the Chebole area along the Bomet-Kaplong highway in Bomet County.

According to Bomet Central, deputy police commandant Ali Bashir, the accident happened after a lorry bound for Bomet rammed into a bodaboda headed in the opposite direction.

“Both the rider and the pillion passenger died on the spot,” he said.

Witnesses said the accident might have happened due to poor visibility in the area.

Bodies of the deceased have been moved to Longisa Referral Hospital mortuary.