A mob has killed a 28-year-old man after he attempted to steal a cow alongside two others in Diani Msambweni, Kwale County.

According to police, locals rounded up the suspect after the cow's owner raised the alarm after he heard a commotion outside his house in the Kilolapwa area.

“He was shocked to find three people in his compound, untying the cow from its shed,” police said.

Locals dashed to the scene, cornering the suspect before beating him to a pulp.

“Irate residents beat the suspect to death. His two accomplices fled the scene,” police noted.

The body of the deceased was taken to Coast General Hospital mortuary.

This comes a week after a mob killed an ex-convict at Kaditonge village, Homa Bay County after he was accused of invading a homestead at night and assaulting two people.

Confirming the incident, Kachien North Location Chief Jacob Adienge said Steve Omondi was beaten to death on Monday after an attempted robbery in one of the homesteads on Sunday night.

Further, he revealed that the ex-convict is said to have sneaked into a homestead where he attacked a lady as she went to attend to a short call.

The administrator says the deceased had an intention of stealing a mobile phone from the lady, but in the process, the lady raised the alarm, which attracted her mother and their neighbor.

He says the deceased assaulted the lady using a panga and extended his attack to the mother by biting her finger before he escaped in the dark.

On Monday, members of the public who were tracing him after the incident cornered him in the village and descended on him with crude weapons.

He was rescued by police officers who rushed him to Rachuonyo South Sub County Hospital, where he was pronounced dead upon arrival.