President William Ruto  launched  the Akorino Sacco Nakuru Chapter during Sunday's national prayer conference at Nakuru Boys High School.

The Head of State also donated Kes 10 million to the Sacco for a start and promised to donate more if the Sacco registers success.

"So this is what we shall do, I will help you with Sh10 million for a start and after 1 year come for another 10 million."

Additionally, President Ruto told the Sacco members they would receive the second batch of Kes 10 million after a year if they proved that they had used the first donation well.

"After one year come for another Kes 10 million but getting this second donation will depend on how you've organised the Sacco. If you show good organisation the donation may even be more than Kes 10 million," Ruto said.

He also warned the Sacco members to be good stewards of the donations, as failure to do so may result in their being in his bad books.

"If you misuse the money I will come and pinch your ears," the president said.

 Nevertheless, he urged them to be prudent with the donation by further quoting the Bible from the Book of Luke 16: 10 which states that “If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones."