Makueni Senator Daniel Maanzo issued a warning to social media users who celebrated the passing of Makueni Businessman Francis Ndolo Silia, also known as Ndolo wa Mauta.

Addressing mourners at Ndolo’s burial in Kiima Kiu Kalanzoni ward, Maanzo urged young people to engage in more constructive activities on social media instead of spreading falsehoods and damaging reputations.

“We need brilliant people to take up emerging careers in the world to represent us there. instead of writing bad things on social media, one can use the sites to learn skills helpful in this life. Instead of ruining your life or looking for publicity in the wrong place, do something that the community can see and praise you instead of soiling the names of other people,” Maanzo stated.

The Senator also urged Christians to refrain from being judgmental, cautioning that such attitudes could lead them away from heaven and into hell. He emphasized that individuals who may appear morally questionable could still find their place in heaven due to their relationship with God.

Let us learn to live with one another as brothers and sisters, helping one another should be the norm in our community. Let us avoid judging people and leave it to God because people that you see are holy you might not find them in heaven and instead you will find those who you judged as unrighteous,” Maanzo added.

Ndolo Silia was a notable figure in the business community, with ownership of multiple petrol stations under the Noble Oil brand, situated in Kasikeu, Sultan Hamud, and Salama. Additionally, he was the proprietor of Club Whiskey Falls in Sultan Hamud.

After his passing, social media users made various accusations against him, with some even celebrating his death.