The Kenya Magistrates and Judges Association (KMJA) and Kenya Judiciary Staff Association (KJSA) want those appearing in court to be barred from wearing face coverings and hoodies.

In a joint statement, the jurists stated that following the terrible shooting of Justice Monica Kivuti while hearing a case at Nairobi's Makadara Courts, cautious steps must be taken to safeguard the safety of judges.

PHOTO | COURTESY Suspects covering their faces

Kivuti was shot in the chest and pelvis by Chief Inspector Samson Kipchirchir Kipruto, the OCS at Londiani police station.

She died from injuries at Nairobi Hospital.

They went on to say that Kivuti's case is only one of several that have put judges' lives in danger after they were attacked in court.

They also urged the government to take appropriate action on their demands to secure the safety of judicial personnel.

"The Judiciary as an employer must strive to ensure a safe and secure workspace for all its employees, judges, magistrates, kadhis, adjudicators and staff," read a statement in part.

PHOTO | COURTESY Suspects covering their faces

" It needs no gainsaying that the organs of government which should be facilitating the judiciary to ensure a safe and secure workspace have failed."

They consequently suggested that members of the KMJA and KJSA refrain from conducting judicial procedures in the open air, whether beneath a tent, container, or other improvised structure.

They also stated that no proceedings will occur until armed personnel are in the courtroom.

"That there is no court user who shall be allowed in the court premises while in any form of concealment of faces by whatever manner, unless on ascertainable medical or security grounds," they continued.