Kenyans are set to take to the streets in Nairobi to protest the proposed tax increase through the Finance Bill 2024.

This rally intends to pressure MPs to vote against the bill, which the House will discuss today.


Kenyans have rallied online to support the protests, distributing banners and rules ahead of the demonstrations outside Parliament buildings in the central business area.

Fliers were distributed in the central business area over the weekend, calling locals to "rise against over-taxation by Zakayo," a reference to the nickname Kenyans gave President William Ruto for his tax campaign since he took office in 2022.

Activist Boniface Mwangi told journalists on Monday that the protest will start at 11 a.m., before Parliament’s session at 2 p.m.

PHOTO | COURTESY protesters

Activist Boniface Mwangi informed media on Monday that the demonstration will begin at 11 a.m., ahead of Parliament's session at 2 p.m.

According to social media banners, demonstrators will be dressed in black, and a code of conduct has been established, which includes maintaining calm, refraining from violence, foul language, and property destruction.

Meanwhile, National Assembly Majority Whip Sylvanus Osoro has remarked that the National Assembly Finance Committee is contemplating revising the articles imposing additional tax on bread and vegetable oils, the planned motor vehicle circulation tax, and duty on internet and money transfer services.

The contentious measure, supported by Molo MP Kimani Kuria, attempts to change many legislations, such as the Income Tax Act, the Value Added Tax Act, the Excise Duty Act, the Tax Procedures Act, and the Miscellaneous Fees and Levies Act.