Recent high-profile funerals have brought Lang'ata Cemetery into the public eye. An undertaker at Lang'ata Cemetery stated that a permanent burial costs KSh 30,500 and includes a 99-year rental agreement, marked by cement work.

He explained that while transfers are possible, temporary graves are not officially recorded and lack cement work. The public graveyard in Nairobi, Lang'ata Cemetery, has gained popularity in recent days due to high-profile funeral ceremonies conducted there.

According to an undertaker with many years of experience at the cemetery, anyone wishing to bury a loved one at Lang'ata Cemetery can choose between a temporary or permanent grave, each with different costs.

"I am the individual to assist you with burying your loved one here; I work with the Nairobi City Council. Families choose between a temporary and permanent resting place.

"When you see a grave that has been worked on, it means the family has paid for it to remain that way for 99 years," he said on Thursday while overseeing the tomb of Makokha's wife on Safara Gathimiti's YouTube channel.

He pointed to a nearby cemented grave to illustrate the difference between a temporary and permanent grave.

"We do not record temporary graves, nor do they have cement. If the family wishes to move the body in the future, we can take note," he said.

Makokha reportedly paid KSh 30,500 for his wife's permanent resting spot, while the cost for a baby's permanent grave is KSh 22,500, according to the undertaker. Njambi had a permanent grave in the cemetery.

Temporary graves cost KSh 7,000 for adults and KSh 4,000 for babies. However, the undertaker noted that they do not handle the cementing.

"The family will decide that," he said. He further disclosed that the Nairobi City Council hires the grave diggers at the cemetery.

Additionally, he denied rumors that bodies are occasionally excavated from the graveyard through dishonest means, asserting that the graveyard is a secure location.