The president of the Law Society of Kenya, Faith Odhiambo, has condemned the government, clergy, international organizations, and professional organizations over the continuing anti-Finance Bill rallies.

On Tuesday, LSK President Faith Odhiambo issued an impassioned speech criticizing President William Ruto and the administration for sitting pretty while demonstrators were shot and murdered.

PHOTO | COURTESY protesters 

Dubbed 'Black Tuesday, ' Ms Odhiambo questioned how the president could enable the demonstrations that are now resulting in the deaths of young people to impose an unpopular Bill on the public.

She criticized President Ruto for the murders of youngsters, telling him to examine his legacy so that he is not remembered as the president who 'killed his people to collect more money by passing the contentious Bill.'

‘Every Kenyan today who has lost his or her life in the struggle to stamp out corruption and seek economic liberation lies in the hands of a rogue and inconsiderate President,” she stated.

“I congratulate you because history will remember you as the President who had to kill his people to raise more money. June 25, 2024, will go down in history as the day Kenyans died so that their president could please the colonial masters in the name of staggered tax measures recommended for implementation by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).”

She added: “Like all mothers whose children have been killed, injured, tortured or abducted in the hands of cops, I feel the pain of my countrymen. The Gen Z who you call children are out in the streets fighting for your fellow parents in the National Police Service, Parliament, Cabinet and air-conditioned government offices. Just imagine, your child is out there seeking justice when you are comfortably enjoying life. Have we no shame?”

According to Odhiambo, assigning soldiers to deal with domestic problems violated the law because their mission was to safeguard the country from external violence.

“We seek Justice; LSK calls upon the international criminal investigation authorities to help poor Kenyan families’ quest for Justice. We have reports and videos that show Kenya Army soldiers engaging protesters in Parliament. We want answers under what law the president used to deploy Kenya's Defence forces on Kenyan soil. No penny is worth human life! No amount of taxation, threats and intimidation will stop this journey for Justice,” LSK noted.

LSK also criticized the clergy's silence on the subject of protests; both Muslims and Christians questioned why religious entities had not stepped out to condemn the government or even participate in the demonstrations.

President Odhiambo called on the country's various religious groups to take action, emphasizing that they should have previously shown their support for the protesters or criticized the administration.

PHOTO | COURTESY  LSK President Faith Odhiambo

“To the Clergy, council of imams and preachers, where are you today as the country goes down the slopes of dictatorship without respect for the rule of law? Where is my beloved Catholic Church or what became of the Kenyan Conference of Catholic Bishops? Where is the Anglican Church of Kenya and the National Council of Churches when young Kenyans are being dropped dead by bullets from Police Officers? Does the Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims still exist?” Ms Odhiambo posed.

“When the time comes to perform burial rites to the dead protesters, what will you tell their family members? Where was the shepherd when the enemy raided and scattered the flock? What stops you men of the cloth from joining peaceful Kenyans in the streets or are you comfortably hiding behind the pulpit waiting for us to come on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday carrying gifts, offertory and tithes? Is that all that you care about? Even if it’s not for the Finance Bill then please come out and let’s protect our children, our brothers, our sisters, or better still your grandchildren.”