Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua wants the director of the National Intelligence Service (NIS), General Noordin Haji, to resign for failing to perform his duties.

Speaking from Mombasa on Wednesday, Gachagua stated that since Haji succeeded Major General (Rtd) Philip Wachira Kameru in June 2023, the NIS has become dysfunctional, unable to effectively analyze public mood, notably about the now-withdrawn Finance Bill 2024.

PHOTO | COURTESY Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua

"I sympathise with President Ruto because this information was not available to him. NIS is mandated to provide such information and that is where the problem is; we have a dysfunctional NIS that has exposed the President, the government and the people of Kenya," said Gachagua.

"Noordin Haji must take responsibility for the deaths that have occurred, the mayhem witnessed and for failing Ruto, the government and Kenya by not doing his job and advising correctly. He must not just take responsibility but resign from that office and allow the president to pick a competent DG"

According to Gachagua, if Haji had properly informed Ruto of the immense popular opposition to the Bill, Ruto would not have transmitted it to Parliament, avoiding the statewide riots that erupted on Tuesday, ending in demonstrators storming Parliament.

PHOTO | COURTESY Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua

"People had to die, property destroyed and protests for the President to know what Kenyans felt, yet there is an organisation funded by Kenyans to brief the president and the public about the sentiments of Kenyans."

"Officers from the National Police Service (NPS) have told me in confidence that they did not receive advance intelligence briefs about the magnitude of the protests. Never have protesters invaded Parliament."

Gachagua continued his diatribe, harshly criticizing Haji, claiming that he was unfit and lacked the proper qualifications for the top job.