Siaya High Court judge Justice Daniel Ogembo Ogola was on Wednesday found dead in his residential house in Siaya town.

Confirming the incident, Siaya County Police Commander Cleti Kimaiyo said Justice Ogembo’s body was found by his driver who had gone to pick him for work in the morning.

The late Justice Ogembo is said to have worked until close of business yesterday before he was dropped to the house by his driver, who went to pick him up but found his door locked.

Further, Kimaiyo revealed that the driver is said to have called to inform Justice Ogembo that he would like to pick him, but the phone went unanswered.

 This prompted him to check on him, only to find the door locked from inside.

He went back and alerted the other Judiciary staff who arrived with security personnel, broke the door and found his body lying lifeless on his bed.

The body has been moved to a funeral home in Kisumu for preservation and autopsy.

Justice Ogembo has served as the Presiding Judge of Siaya High Court for close to two years when he took over from Lady Justice Roseline Aburili.