According to a recent Trends and Insights For Africa (TIFA) study, 81 percent of Kenyans polled support the Gen Z-led clamor for government reforms.

TIFA says the study sampled 1,507 Kenyans between Tuesday and Wednesday using telephonic interviews as the data collection methodology.

TIFA Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Maggie Ireri revealed that 83 percent of respondents between 18 and 34 supported the Gen-Z movement, while those aged 35 and above accounted for 80 percent.

The study also found that most respondents (69%) reported no involvement in physical or online protests.

Further, 11 percent of the respondents said they protested in the streets, and 5 percent said they donated water, food, transport, and T-shirts to the protestors.

4 percent of those polled said they participated in the various X-Space meetings, while 2 percent said they donated money for protests.

The movement enjoys massive support among respondents in Nairobi, Nyanza, Central, North Eastern, and Eastern, where it polled above 80 percent.

In Western and Rift Valley, support for the movement polled 79 percent and 73 percent respectively.

The poll shows support for the movement transcends party affiliations, where 79 percent of respondents are allied to Kenya Kwanza, and 61 percent are Azimio Coalition.