Laikipia East Member of Parliament Mwangi Kiunjuri has publicly denied reports alleging that the girl responsible for the tragic fire at Moi Girls High School in 2017, which resulted in the deaths of 10 students, is his daughter.

The rumors began circulating online, suggesting that the girl, who was sentenced to five years in February 2022, has been walking free. Kiunjuri swiftly responded on social media, denouncing the claims as false and malicious, and attributing them to political adversaries attempting to discredit him.

"I want to clarify to all spreading these reckless, insensitive, and inhumane falsehoods that I have NEVER had a daughter or any relative at Moi Nairobi Girls," Kiunjuri stated. He criticized those perpetuating the false narrative, noting that it disregards the pain of the parents and relatives who lost loved ones in the incident.

Kiunjuri emphasized that the convict's parents are known and that anyone seeking to confirm their identity can do so by contacting the school. He condemned the exploitation of such a tragic event for political gain, calling it both insensitive and inhumane.

"My heart goes out to the parents who lost their children in this tragic incident. The pain they endure is reopened every time this topic is used for political purposes," he said.

At the time of the incident, the girl was 14 years old and staying in Kabarnet dormitory, where the fire started after students returned from a holiday. In delivering the sentence, Justice Stella Mutuku emphasized the severity of the offenses, stating that, despite the girl's young age, she needed to be held accountable for her actions.