The conflict between Oscar Sudi and lawyer Miguna Miguna is far from over. Oscar Sudi has threatened to release audio recordings of Miguna Miguna allegedly asking for help to return to the country. Below is a link to a Facebook post containing the full evidence.

Kenyans have responded to this matter with mixed reactions. A netizen named Joseph commented on the situation, saying the following:

"The response he will get from Miguna Miguna will shock him". Gordon reacted by saying as follows. "Kindly post the video as an evidence that he surely said that statement". Paul reacted by saying as follows. "out of nowhere Sudi has regained his arrogance".

Yassim reacted by saying as follows. "Dr. Miguna Miguna seems you have someone to handle. I will love to read an article describing self proclaimed engineer". Dan reacted by saying as follows. "Sudi can't compete with Miguna in a words of war".