Police officers have launched an investigation into the brutal death of a 25-year-old man at a bullfighting event in Shinyalu, Kakamega.

The incident occurred at the well-known Mukhonje grounds, a popular bullfighting arena in the region.

Witnesses reported that the two young men involved had a heated argument before the confrontation escalated into a deadly fight. According to area chief Mukhonje Isaac Makomere, the suspect had a longstanding feud with the deceased, which sadly culminated in this fatal altercation.

PHOTO | COURTESY bull fighting event 

The tragic event unfolded as the two bulls locked horns, and hundreds of spectators cheered. The deceased collapsed to the ground, his clothes soaked in blood.

A video shared by Wananchi Reporting shows the deceased being hurriedly dragged away from the arena to prevent him from being trampled by the fighting bulls. He could be heard groaning in pain, with blood streaming from his head. Despite efforts to save him, he later succumbed to his injuries.

In the aftermath, enraged residents armed with sticks and clubs attacked the suspect, beating him severely.

Elizabeth Susy, the mother of the deceased, expressed her devastation over the incident. “I was called to the scene and arrived only to find my son dead. He had been slashed with a machete,” she said.

The body of the deceased was taken to the Kakamega morgue, and police have launched an investigation into the incident.