MP Oscar Sudi promised to donate KSh.1.3 million to help ODM supporter Nuru Okanga start a business and get a house.

Ksh.300,000 of the Ksh.1.3 million in funds will go toward opening a salon for Okanga's wife. The rest of the money will be used to finance projects like a car wash and posho mill in Okanga's rural house.

Sudi suggested Okanga concentrate on growing one business at a time.

He emphasized that entering new markets should come after one endeavor has proven successful.

"No matter how clever you are, you cannot successfully launch multiple businesses simultaneously. You must nurture one business until it is sustainable before moving on to another. I will provide the funds, but you need to heed my advice. Don’t let money cloud your judgment," Sudi said.

In addition, Sudi will use the Affordable Housing Program to buy Okanga's family a three-bedroom home.

Additionally, Okanga was pushed to use a portion of the money to care for Bunge la Mwananchi supporters in Jacaranda, where Okanga rose to popularity for voicing controversial opinions.

Kadri Maloba, the 10-year-old son of Nuru Okanga, has been hospitalized at Kenyatta National Hospital for more than three months after receiving a renal failure diagnosis.

When Okanga's medical bills reached Sh 900,000, he turned to friends, family, and lawmakers in the Azimio coalition for support. Only a handful of people, including Babu Owino and Raila Odinga, answered his appeals.

Kithure Kindiki, the Interior Cabinet Secretary, stepped in to pay Kadri's medical expenses. Kindiki dispatched politician Mike Makarena on August 12, 2024, to pay the balance.

Following payment of the bill, Okanga's Bunge la Mwananchi coworker Omosh and his parents Makarena saw Kadri released from the hospital.