The Senate has summoned Former Kitui Governor Charity Ngilu over inconsistencies in the financial challenges facing Kitui County Textile Center and audit queries for the 2019/2020 - 2021/2022 Financial years.

Senate Public County Investments and Special Funds Committee chaired by Vihiga Senator Godfrey Osotsi summoned Ngilu following inaccuracies on the audit queries raised with investigative agencies, including the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission roped in the matter.

She has been summoned to appear next month alongside the former top management officials and all officials who signed financial statements for the Kitui County Textile Center.

The auditor general report issued an adverse opinion on Kitui County Textile Center in the three financial years. The report pointed out mismanagement and financial discrepancies that threatened the company's sustainability.

The Committee Chair summoned the Former Kitui County Boss to unravel the truth about the financial mismanagement that has bedeviled the company in the last three years.

“The committee hereby issues summons, pursuant to Article 125 of the Constitution and sections 18 and 20 of the Parliamentary (Powers and Privileges) Act, 2017, to the former Governor of Kitui County Charity Ngilu, the former top management officials, and all officials who signed financial statements of the Kitui County Textile Center in the Financial years 2019/2020, 2020/2021 and 2021/2022.”

Similarly, Kitui Governor Julius Malombe has been directed to submit various reports and information within three days, including the center’s status report, the names and contact details of the Board of Directors, and the details of signatories to the center’s bank accounts.

 Since last year, Kitui County Textile Centre has encountered trouble with auctioneers seeking to auction its property over a Kes 759,760 debt owed to suppliers.