A gas station on Desai Road in Ngara, Nairobi was met by a massive explosion that caused extensive damage. The incident, which occurred in the early morning hours, destroyed properties worth millions of shillings and sent ripples across the nation as concerned citizens took to social media to express their worries.

While reacting to the incident, Kenyans have termed the explosion as a huge one compared to others that have been witnessed in the past. The viral video and photos posted by blogger Felicis Marshall on his official Facebook clearly show the magnitude of the explosion. The incident has left many people wondering and inquiring about the cause of the fire and whether there are any casualties reported. Nairobi Police Boss Adam Bungei, addressing the situation, confirmed the explosion but noted that the exact cause is still under investigation.

The blast has not only raised questions about safety standards at gas stations but also ignited a wave of concern among Kenyans regarding the potential risks of such facilities in residential areas. As the investigation continues, the public remains anxious for answers to this alarming event.