Police in Bomet are looking for a Form Four male student who attacked a female student with a panga in a suspected love affair. Kiptobit Secondary School.

Confirming the incident, Bomet East Sub-county police boss Joseph Chesire said the suspect, 18 years of age, who is a day scholar, came to school with a sharpened Panga and confronted his alleged lover, 18 years old.

Further, he revealed that an altercation ensued, and the suspect hacked the female student, who sustained deep cuts on the head, neck, and face.

“The assailant dropped the weapon at the compound and fled the scene, leaving the helpless Form 3 girl bleeding profusely,” he said.

Students who witnessed the horror raised the alarm, attracting villagers who came in numbers and rushed the victim to Longisa Hospital, where she is being attended.

Police officers attached to the Longisa police station processed the scene and recovered the bloodstain Panga.

Efforts to trace the suspect haven't materialized.