A dormitory at Ortum Boys High School in Kapenguria, West Pokot County, caught fire on Monday morning.

According to reports, the fire has been successfully contained, and no injuries have been reported.

This comes shortly after a dormitory housing 150 students was burnt down Sunday evening in an incident at Njia Boys High School in Meru.

According to authorities, the fire started while students were having supper.

Police from Kangeta Police Station and the Critical Infrastructure Protection Unit (CIPU) responded to the scene.

The police said the fire consumed everything in the dormitory named Jamhuri.

“The inferno consumed everything, and property of unknown value was destroyed,” read a police report.

This incident came from another fire at Isiolo Girls Secondary School on Saturday night.

Authorities, including local police, the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF), and fire engines from Isiolo Airport, contained the fire before it could spread.