Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Nassir has expressed his deep distress over accusations linking him and his family to the abduction and assault of a Mombasa blogger.

The 24-year-old blogger, Bruce John Chawa, was reportedly abducted from his home in Bamburi on September 12 by a group of about 20 individuals, allegedly county officers.


The blogger claims he was assaulted and sodomized by the group, who forced him to apologize for his criticism of the Mombasa County government.

In a press conference held on Monday, Nassir vehemently denied any involvement, labeling the accusations as "shocking." He emphasized that neither he nor any family member had ever resorted to violence. He highlighted his policy of refraining from vulgar language or direct attacks on individuals in public forums.

The governor made these remarks shortly after the release of Mohamed Hussein, the Mombasa County Executive Committee (CEC) Member for Lands, who had been arrested in connection with the blogger's assault. Nassir defended Hussein, stating that his arrest stemmed from their long-standing political association.

PHOTO | COURTESY  Governor Abdulswamad Nassir

Nassir also revealed that his mother's house had been broken into twice since the incident, further exacerbating the situation. While empathizing with the blogger’s ordeal, he called for a thorough police investigation to uncover the truth.

Nassir also hinted at a history of personal threats and attacks directed toward him and his family.

He disclosed that the blogger had sent him over 800 messages, none of which he responded to, and that doctors had reportedly received threats pressuring them to fabricate reports regarding the blogger’s medical condition.

So far, four individuals have been prosecuted in court in connection with the incident. Nassir reaffirmed his commitment to clear his and his family’s name, urging those responsible for these false allegations to be held accountable.