The video, originally shared on her Instagram Story, has since been deleted. Selena Gomez later posted another Instagram Story featuring a plain black background with a caption, "Apparently it's not ok to show empathy for people."

“All my people are getting attacked, the children,” said Gomez, whose family is from Mexico. “I don’t understand. I’m so sorry. I wish I could do something but I can’t.”

A video of Selena Gomez has gone viral, showing the singer-actress breaking down in tears and apologising. In the emotional clip, she says, "I just want to say I am so sorry. All my people are getting attacked, the children... they don't understand. I am so sorry. I wish I could do something, but I can't. I don't know what to do." While the video was reportedly shared on her Instagram Story, it is no longer available there.

The clip is thought to be Selena Gomez's response to newly elected US President Donald Trump's policy to deport undocumented immigrants to their home countries. This decision could impact thousands of individuals from nations like Mexico, Colombia, and India. Meanwhile, reports indicate that Mexico denied landing clearance to a US deportation flight carrying undocumented immigrants.

Why Did Selena Gomez Delete Her Post?

Gomez deleted both her posts after she faced swift backlash on X (formerly Twitter).

Conservative TV commentator Tomi Lahren wrote, “Certified moron @selenagomez crying for criminal illegal aliens is really something else. This is why we don’t take our political advice from Disney child stars.”

Political commentator Savanah Hernandez said, “Selena Gomez filmed herself ugly crying about the current mass deportations. Because of course the out of touch celebrity with zero understanding of how dangerous our country has become is crying for the criminals being deported. How pathetic.”

Another user tweeted, “Selena Gomez crying on Instagram isn’t helping a single family facing deportation. If she truly cared about ‘her people,’ where was she before this? She has the money, the platform, and the connections to fund legal aid, advocate for policy reform, or even assist families in navigating the path to legalization. Instead, she waited until it was too late, showing up with empty tears and vague apologies.”