Kenya Defence Forces (KDF), through its official Twitter account, has warned members of the public against fake information circulating online about them conducting a recruitment exercise.

KDF has always warned Kenyans to confirm facts found in job postings on the KDF website, their official social media accounts, or local newspapers.

Despite a rumour, the Kenya Defense Forces have confirmed that they are not hiring new officers. Malicious individuals have used such false information to defraud Kenyans under the guise of recruiting.


According to a military statement, no recruitment is happening. It was clear that everyone would be informed when the hiring process began. The Kenya Defence Forces have not held a hiring process in some time. Because of this, evildoers profit from the situation.
 Most young people are jobless and want to be incorporated into the military to serve their country.

It's also important to note that the military operates honestly and openly. The military claims that certain individuals attempt to deceive Kenyans by spreading this fake news.

We can only hope for the military to start a legitimate process so young people can enlist. Kenyans are, however, waiting to see what happens in the future because it is true that our country is currently experiencing a difficult economic situation.