Many people influence a boy's development as he grows up into adulthood. As a father figure, you should try hard to make him look up to you in all aspects of his life. You can cultivate a father-son relationship with your son from birth. He will always want to be like you for years to come.

Below are some of the things a son needs from his father;

Success and failure

Your son should see you fail. He will then know it is okay to make mistakes and learn from the failure depending on how you handle them.

Teach him to accept failure without making him feel less of a person. He will grow into a man who can overcome challenges because he learned from the best.


Your son needs to see you lead by serving in your home. This gesture will help him understand authority to understand the difference between peer pressure and leading effectively.
He will lead at his workplace, church, community, and his family in the future.


Often, fathers are busy with their careers and other commitments. Rarely are they seen at home except for weekends in most families.

Children spend most of their time with teachers in school; the house helps, or the mother.
However, you need to be present in your son’s education, social life, and other areas of life.

Embrace them regardless of their choices

 Embrace your son even when you disagree with the decisions they make.
His self-esteem and approach towards life can be enhanced when you guide and correct them with love when they make mistakes.


Normalize telling your son you love them. Always remind them how much they mean to you and the entire world.
Words of affirmation make him know he is valued and that you care for them.

Discipline Him With Love

Make your son the consequences of these actions by punishing them with love. It may be a curfew, but let them know why they must undergo such.

It will enable him to think through things before making decisions now and in years to come.

Love His Mother

How men treat women is influenced by how he saw his father treat his mother, sisters, and all the women in his life.

It sets a foundation for his relationships in years to come.

In conclusion, be a role model in his life.
Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old, he will not depart from it- Proverbs 22:6