In relationships, it is important to respect the boundaries and commitments the individuals involved establish.

 However, there are instances where individuals find themselves being a "side chic" - someone involved with another person who is already in a committed relationship.

While this situation can be complex and emotionally challenging, it is crucial to approach it with honesty, self-awareness, and a clear understanding of your role.

This article explores how to responsibly and ethically navigate the position of a side chic responsibly and ethically.

Maintain Honesty

Being honest with yourself and the person you are involved with is essential. Recognize that you are not in a primary position in their life and that their commitments lie elsewhere.

Avoid harbouring false hopes or unrealistic expectations of the relationship evolving into something more. Honesty helps prevent heartache and promotes clarity.

Embrace Your Independence

As a side chic, it is crucial to maintain your independence and not become emotionally dependent on the person in the primary relationship.

 Focus on developing your interests, pursuing personal goals, and nurturing other relationships.

This allows you to maintain a healthy sense of self and avoids placing undue emotional burdens on the primary partner.

Respect Boundaries

Respecting boundaries is vital in any relationship. Understand and accept the limitations imposed by the primary partner's commitment to their existing relationship.

Avoid crossing boundaries or encroaching on their personal space, as it can lead to complications and emotional distress for all parties involved.

Communicate Openly

Establish clear lines of communication with the primary partner. Discuss the nature of the relationship, expectations, and any concerns openly and honestly.

 Effective communication can help create a healthy and respectful dynamic while reducing misunderstandings and potential conflicts.

Know Your Worth

Remember that your value as an individual extends beyond being a side chic. Recognize your self-worth and strive for relationships that prioritize your emotional well-being and respect your boundaries.

 Engage in self-reflection to understand why you accept this role and consider whether it aligns with your long-term happiness and fulfilment.


Navigating the role of a side chic requires honesty, self-awareness, and respect for boundaries. You can approach this complex situation responsibly by embracing your independence, communicating openly, and understanding your worth. Ultimately, it is crucial to prioritize your emotional well-being and seek relationships that align with your long-term happiness.