Khasoko Boys School in Bumula Constituency, Bungoma County, has been temporarily shut down by the school board due to an outbreak of an unidentified illness that tragically led to the death of a student.

The Ministry of Health in Bungoma County has initiated an investigation into the outbreak and has commenced a comprehensive health assessment of the affected students and staff members.

According to available information, on May 17, a student fell ill and sought medical attention at a local hospital, where he received treatment for malaria before returning to school. On May 18, despite being in stable condition, the student was readmitted to the hospital.

 On the night of May 19, the student was transferred to BCRCH for further management, and on the 20th, the student died before the specimen was even taken for analysis.

At least 47 students developed malaria-like symptoms, with two reporting abdominal pains, and were taken to Bumula.

Only six students tested positive for malaria and were treated before returning to school.

The board of education met today, and the director of education decided to close the school.

“Let us remain calm as the health team does its job to ascertain what really happened,” Wamalwa said.