Pastor Ezekiel led a potent crusade that attracted thousands of people in Arusha, Tanzania. This notable event took place just a week after the pastor's impactful presence in Kisii County, where he conducted a series of transformative crusades.

Pastor Ezekiel Odero has garnered considerable attention and a growing following due to his dynamic preaching style and alleged gift for performing miracles. His ministry has become renowned for its ability to inspire and bring about spiritual transformation in the lives of many. The enthusiastic response from the crowds in Arusha is a testament to the impact of Pastor Ezekiel's ministry and the hope and healing it brings to those seeking a spiritual connection.

Many Kenyans were perplexed when Pastor Ezekiel Odero held a religious gathering in the Kasarani International Sports Complex in Nairobi a few months ago. Others resorted to social media to ask who Ezekiel was specifically.
The nation was surprised to see a non-political player fill the stadium. It is commonplace in Mavueni, Kilifi County, where his New Life Church is located on a 65-acre plot. The pastor also enjoys a sizable online following.


Many Kenyans were perplexed when Pastor Ezekiel Odero held a religious gathering in the Kasarani International Sports Complex in Nairobi a few months ago. Others resorted to social media to ask who Ezekiel was specifically.

The nation was surprised to see a non-political player fill the stadium. It is commonplace in Mavueni, Kilifi County, where his New Life Church is located on a 65-acre plot. The pastor also enjoys a sizable online following.
Pastor Ezekiel Odero, the founder and pastor of New Life Prayer Centre, inaugurated a brand-new church complex in Mavueni, Kilifi County, over the past weekend.

Bishop Pius Muiru oversaw the official opening of the New Life Prayer Centre Complex as Ezekiel's spiritual father.
Along with six other necessary services, it also boasts an international school, a university, an airport, and a hospital.
Church ministers will be provided with housing on the property in an apartment building.