Cabinet Secretary for Investment, Trade and Industry Moses Kuria has refused to postpone his planned visit to Meru County on Monday to open a County Aggregation and Industrial Park (CAIP).

The trade CS stated that he has received information about possible political disputes in the Meru County government but that the event will go forward as planned.


I have launched County Aggregation & Industrial Parks in Busia, Kakamega, Bumgoma, Trans Nzoia, Migori, Siaya, Kisii, Nyamira, Mombasa, Kajiado, Narok and Laikipia Counties. Tomorrow I ground break in the great Meru County. I have received requests from my colleague Mithika…

"I have received requests to postpone from my colleague Mithika Linturi and the Meru Leadership due to the current political situation in Meru." With deep respect, I shall not delay. "Our people's unemployment and poverty cannot wait even an hour longer while we fix our broken politics," Kuria said on X.

The CS went on to say that his efforts had previously been threatened by such disputes in the counties where he inaugurated the industrial parks. Still, he went ahead and had successful events sponsored by county officials.

The CS asked Meru's feuding leaders to set aside their differences for the people of Meru to benefit from development projects.


Since the last election, Meru County has been in the spotlight, with opponents questioning Governor Kawawira Mwangaza's leadership.

Mwangaza has also had a fractious relationship with the Meru County Assembly, with the MCAs impeaching her only to be saved by the Senate by rejecting the impeachment.

The MCAs have vowed to bring another impeachment resolution against her, citing the governor's severe wrongdoing and corruption.