Julius Malema, the leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) party in South Africa, had confidently predicted a strong performance for his party in the elections. He boasted that the EFF would secure a significant number of votes. However, with most of the votes now counted, the EFF is trailing in third place, behind the African National Congress (ANC) and the Democratic Alliance (DA). The party's results have fallen short of Malema's optimistic expectations.

Because Malema bragged so much but did poorly, blogger Gabriel Oguda is making fun of him. Oguda jokes that a "concession speech" admitting defeat is ready for the "Omwami" Julius Malema."Omwami" is a mocking word meaning "king" used to refer to Malema. Calling him king makes fun of how arrogant and egotistical he is. A premade "concession speech" pokes fun at how sure Malema was that he would win big.

Before voting, Malema said over and over that the EFF would be the biggest winner. He boldly claimed they could even become the ruling party nationwide. He boasted they would get over half the votes in some provinces.But based on current results, the EFF only got around 10% of the total votes across the country. This is far behind the ANC's 45% and the DA's 20%. In no province did the EFF even come close to the over 50% Malema predicted.

So Oguda and others are mocking Malema for boasting so much before the elections. They say he needs to face reality and admit the EFF did much worse than his big promises. The blogger portrays Malema as an arrogant "king" who has been humbled by the poor results. Malema has not said much yet about the situation. He may still hope for a comeback as late results come in. But most people agree his party did underperform compared to Malema's boastful claims before the elections.

The blogger's joke about a "concession speech" mocking how out of touch Malema seemed with the real level of EFF support among voters. He was totally unprepared for defeat based on his own bold predictions of winning big.Whether Malema accepts it graciously or keeps his typical defiant tone, this election appears to be a failure compared to his claims of imminent EFF dominance in South Africa. The blogger has fun mocking the "Omwami" Malema for being so overconfident when he will be forced to concede defeat he did not expect.