Sameer Africa has begun the construction of a Kes 260 million warehouse in its company. 

Sameer Managing Director John Mugo said that the construction aligns with its expansion strategy and the opening of the new facility comes when demand for industrial warehousing spaces in the country expands.

“In a landscape riddled with supply chain disruptions and soaring real estate costs, businesses clamor for a proficient team capable of delivering flexible, purpose-built facilities tailored to their operational uniqueness,” he said.

“Modern warehousing, like the one under construction, is poised to empower businesses to achieve unprecedented operational efficiencies, enhancing profit margins, and facilitating sustainable growth by reducing or offsetting carbon emissions.”

Its chairman, Erastus Mwongera, outlined its commitment to investing in industrial property development through greenfield projects and enhancing existing properties.

“Our strategic growth blueprint underscores the revitalization of our property business, which has consistently proven to be a robust source of income and growth for the Group,” Mwongera said.

“The property sector presents us with a distinctive opportunity to steer the future of our company while propelling Kenya’s emergence as a leading logistics hub,” he stated.