Residents of Ntoroni Village, Tharaka Nithi County, are calling for justice after three members of the village were kidnapped last month and later found murdered.

According to friends and relatives, two of the kidnapped victims were found murdered, and are still looking for the third person. The three traders were going to Kina to buy animals when they were assaulted and killed.

PHOTO | COURTESY police car

While speaking to royal media, a trader, Peter Nyaga, said he was going in the same direction and arrived earlier than them. He claims he later got a call informing him that the three men had been killed. 

"Both bodies had been devoured by hyenas, such that I could only recognize them with the clothes they had," he added.

PHOTO | COURTESY police line

According to Janet Kayenda, a resident, "We are pleading with the government to step in and help us find justice for these men as the widows and children are in pain and are now left stranded as the people they depended on for livelihood are no more." 

The bodies of the deceased were brought to Maua Hospital Mortuary, awaiting a postmortem. Families are calling for justice for their loved ones.