Police officers shot dead five suspected thugs in the Nyamasongo area at the Suna-Nyabisawa location, Suna East Sub County in Migori County on Tuesday night.

Police say officers who had been training them intercepted their vehicle, leading to a shootout.

Confirming the incident, Area Chief Bernard Aliwa said the operation was through a tip-off from the public.

 “There are strong claims from the public that one of the slain suspects has been a notorious thief linked to multiple house break-ins in this area and other parts of Migori County,” he said.

Further, he said police recovered an assortment of tools believed to be used for breaking into houses and shops.

 This incident follows a recent surge in criminal activities in the Nyamasongo area, including a bar break-in three weeks ago where several items, including alcoholic drinks, were stolen.

Chief Aliwa appealed to the public to remain vigilant and report any suspicious characters in the area to help curb the rising cases of insecurity.

Their bodies were moved to Migori Referral Hospital mortuary pending further investigation.