Kenya School of Law (KSL) Student Governing Council President Joshua Okayo, who was allegedly kidnapped last week during the anti-Finance Bil 2024 protests, has been found near Margua River in Murang'a County.

Law Society of Kenya (LSK) President Faith Odhiambo confirmed that Okayo is currently recuperating at Avenue Hospital in Thika under close observation due to the psychological trauma of the ordeal.

Speaking on X, Odhiambo has since confirmed Okayo's rescue and that of Regis Wanjala, another student who also went missing on the same day.

"We have confirmation that two comrades have been dumped at unknown locations after their abductions. Joshua Okayo was dumped somewhere in Murang’a after being abducted in Rongai on Wednesday.”

"Regis Wanjala who was abducted on the same day was also found dumped in a tea plantation in Ruiru. The two are safe but currently receiving medical attention and are still shaken up from the ordeal. We shall find recourse for these unfortunate actions of police. Justice be our shield and defender."

The LSK president has condemned the reported police abductions, drawing parallels to the authoritarian era of the late former President Daniel Moi.