The national government has commissioned the construction of a Kes 57 million market at Ewaso Nyiro Trading in Narok North Sub County to boost small-scale vegetable vendors and livestock traders.

 A representative from the office of the Narok North Member of Parliament, Agnes Pareyio, Joel Nkuruma, said the market will be completed in six months and will boost the area's economy.

“The women who were working in filthy environments will soon work in a clean and conducive environment. Their goods will be more secure and they will slowly expand their businesses,” he said.

Further, he revealed that 70 percent of the labor force and materials to build the market will be supplied by locals, boosting the area's economy.

He also urged the area youth to stop demonstrations and give President Ruto time to deliver his promises.

 “If we demonstrate and destroy our nation, we are the ones to suffer in future. Most of the grievances that the young people had presented to the president have been put into consideration. We also need to be fair and give him time to implement his promises to the nation.”

The market chairlady Ms. Mary Siningi noted that women have been trading along the dusty road under erratic weather conditions.

Another resident Jackson Saaya, thanked both the county and national governments for initiating the market project, adding it will boost the economic standard of the trading center.