Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza has unveiled a staff prayer altar in the county for spiritual guidance.

Speaking as she led the launch of the altar, Bishop Patrick Kariuki noted that the staff are required to pray three days a week.

"As Meru county, we are raising an altar to the Lord and because of this, there shall be a blessing. You will be coming here on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays never take it for granted," he said.

Further, Bishop Kariuki said that through the altar, God is using them to change the county.

Speaking during the launch, Meru County Finance executive Monicah Kathono, Kathono said that the altar will give them a platform to give them mentorship, encouragement, motivation and to seek God's divine intervention.

Kathono said that the governor, being a Bishop will be attending the prayer sessions and preaching during the sessions.

"Never feel ashamed coming here even if people are telling you we are being forced we are coming as a show no, please come seek the face of God and we shall be leaving here early so that no one will say we using office time to come and pray," she said.

On her part, Kawira Mwangaza took to social media to celebrate the launch saying that uniting in prayers will translate to progress in the county work.

"A government that prays together works together. Blessed morning from our county offices headquarters," she said.