Pastor Sue Munene, known for her catchphrase 'Twa Twa,' has delved into the topic of parents kissing their children, particularly on the lips, in a recent TikTok video shared by Emma the grand pioneer. She expressed concerns about the potential impact on a child's understanding of boundaries and relationships as they grow.

In the video dated December 3, Pastor Sue stressed her belief that parents should avoid kissing their children on the lips, considering it may inadvertently convey the wrong message about physical boundaries and intimacy. She cautioned against normalizing such actions, emphasizing that it might lead to children seeking or accepting similar gestures from others outside the family unit.

Pastor Sue specifically mentioned the lips and breasts as private parts that should not be touched, highlighting the potential psychological impact on a child's understanding of appropriate physical contact. She outlined the sensitivity of certain body parts, emphasizing the need for protection from inappropriate touch.

Addressing matters of sexual education, Sue recommended a collaborative approach where both parents play a role in educating their children about their bodies and boundaries. She suggested a method where parents swap roles in discussing sensitive topics, ensuring a comprehensive understanding.

Sue emphasized the importance of creating a comfortable environment during discussions about sexual education. By incorporating an element of fun, parents can alleviate potential discomfort and fear, fostering an open and safe space where children feel at ease discussing these sensitive matters.