Raising a teen can be a difficult task for any parent. Adolescents begin to develop their own sense of identity and independence, which can manifest in various behaviors.

Parents must recognize that adolescent behavior is a normal part of the developmental process and approach it with patience, understanding, and consistency.

PHOTO | COURTESY Dad scolding his son

Setting clear boundaries and rules for their teenager is one of the most important things a parent can do. This includes establishing behavioral expectations, such as curfews, rules for technology use, and academic performance guidelines.

However, it is also critical to be adaptable and willing to negotiate these rules as needed. For example, if a teen is consistently responsible and trustworthy, giving him or her more leeway in certain areas may be appropriate.

PHOTO | COURTESY mother and daughter

Effective communication is another important aspect of dealing with adolescent behavior. Parents should actively listen to their teen's perspectives and express their own thoughts and feelings clearly and respectfully. It is also critical to consistently and positively reinforce good behavior while dealing with negative behavior with firm and appropriate consequences.

It is also important to remember that teenagers are still developing their emotional regulation skills and may not always be able to deal with their emotions maturely or appropriately. When your adolescent is experiencing difficult emotions, you need to be patient and understanding, as well as to provide support and guidance to help them cope.

PHOTO | COURTESY father and son

Parents must understand the role of peer pressure and social influences in adolescent behavior. Teens frequently seek validation and acceptance from their peers and may make decisions or engage in behaviors they would not otherwise choose. It is critical for parents to be aware of their teenager's social circle and to engage in open and honest conversations with them.