Anyway, I'm sure you're aware that every country strives to advertise its tribes and customs without using the word strange to describe such events.
It's difficult not to exclaim BIZARRE! WEIRD! WTF! Considering how many of these strange traditions exist around us, you'll see that some have faded into obscurity while others continue to thrive.

Did you read this?
The Luo are Kenya's fourth largest ethnic group. They communicate in 'Dholuo,' which is a Nilotic language. The Luo community, often known as 'Ramogi's descendants,' is well-renowned for their musical abilities and instruments. Raila Odinga, former Prime Minister of Kenya; Obama, former President of the United States; and Professor Sam Odingo, environmental scientist and Nobel Prize recipient, are all notable Luos.
The Luo customs permitted widowed women to sleep in the same room as their deceased husbands before burial as part of a purification ritual to purify windows in preparation for the inheritance.

The widows were supposed to have an odd'mandatory dream' in which they made love to their dead husbands one more time to be regarded as 'freed' and ready to remarry. More purification rituals would be performed if the dream did not come true.
Because this was only one of the cultural traditions practised, the Luo culture has become one of Kenya's most diverse and vibrant civilizations worldwide.

The Luo community, which accounts for around 25% of Kenya's population, is proud of their famed English language articulation, let alone their ethnic dress.
The Luos are elaborate traditional dancing costumes, with sisal skirts and coloured beads worn around the neck and waist. Ladies generally decorate them with red and white clay. These outfits and ornaments are all made from locally sourced materials.