A first-time mother will experience a hard time at the start because the only way a baby talks to you is through crying. The communication barrier is usually the biggest problem you have to solve.

A baby cannot express problems verbally through talking because the talking period is not yet. The baby is fully dependent on the mother or any other caregivers. What is expected of you is to give protection, food, and all the other support a baby requires.

This is by understanding that the baby needs your full attention. Your baby needs lots of cuddling, physical contact, and reassurance to comfort her. So her crying may mean that she just wants to be held

The type of attention needed by your baby is usually hard to work out when the baby is a few days old. Conversely, as your baby grows things tend to become easier since there is a development in learning specific ways of communicating with you.

This could come in form of making noises, smiling, and contact. Swaying and singing to her while you hold her close, will help to distract and comfort her.

A baby will want to keep feeding every now and then. This is because the stomach cannot hold much since it is small. Responsive feeding is recommended. Your baby will make some signs of showing he or she has fed enough by getting off your breasts.



In addition, if you are formula-feeding, your baby may not need more milk for at least two hours after her last feed. 

However, your baby may become flushed and frustrated, and refuse your efforts to soothe her. She may clench her fists, draw up her knees, or arch her back.

The exact cause of persistent crying isn’t clear. It’s so common in babies, that many experts think it may simply be a normal developmental stage that stops with time.

Experts think that it may be associated with tummy an allergy to something in your breastmilk or a type of formula milk, constipation or reflux especially when your baby brings up food. 

Consulting a doctor is recommended since whatever the cause, living with a baby who regularly cries inconsolably can be very stressful.