Becoming a first-time discerner can be an exciting but intimidating experience. A new family member's advent can be joyful and difficult, and new parents may feel crushed and unsure of what to do. However, the adventure can be profitable and fulfilling with the right instruction and attitude. Here are ten suggestions to help first-time parents negotiate the initial stages of parenthood.

1 Create an aid group.

Parenthood isn't always a job that can be completed alone, so it's critical to building a helpful community. This can include members of one's own family, acquaintances, neighbours, and other parents who can offer advice and assistance. Participating in parenting organisations and online forums

2 Set realistic expectations.

It is critical to establish realistic expectations for both the child and yourself. Remember that each kid is unique and grows at their own pace. It is significant to avoid comparing your child with other kids and to focus on their unique abilities and strengths. Also, remember that parenthood is a learning process, and there will be good and bad days.

PHOTO | COURTESY first time parents

3 Self-care is essential.

Parenting can be difficult and stressful, so it is critical to practise self-care. Taking care of yourself is essential for caring for your kid. Make time for yourself, get enough sleep, eat healthily, and exercise frequently. These self-care practises allowing you to live a healthy and energised life.

4 Request assistance.

Don't be hesitant to ask for help when you need it. Ask for help with your assistant community's responsibilities such as cooking, cleaning, or walking chores. If you're struggling with postpartum depression or anxiety, seek professional help.

5 Take good care of your social life.

Having a kid can strain a relationship, so it's critical to prioritise your dating with your partner. Make time for date evenings, communicate openly and honestly, and support one another as you navigate the challenges of parenthood.